Uncompromising opinions. An element of our personality that stirs the pot, creates a rift or dissent. The stuff we fight about with our parents as we grow up and as we age we eventually may argue with our own kids about. Religion, politics, sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll are all some common areas of dissent.

At one point or another, we are all bound to have said something to someone that they disagreed with or posted something on social media that caused someone to unsubscribe from our page. This may make some of us uncomfortable. So instead of sharing our uncompromising opinions we choose not to share them. We stuff our own voice in order to avoid possibly making someone else upset. It’s o.k. to have an opinion different from someone else’s, even if they strongly disagree with you. We don’t have to keep our opinions to ourselves simply to avoid upsetting someone else.
When we think, “I don’t want to make them mad.” We may feel angry or resentful because we can’t be our true self. Then we say what we think the other person wants to hear, don’t state our true opinion, and hide. The outcome of all of this is we make ourselves mad (a.k.a crazy) literally and figuratively with what we do and how we feel.
Uncompromising opinions are closely related to our core values. The things that we stand for unapologetically. The characteristics that motivate and guide our decisions. Our uncompromising opinions are our “bumper stickers” for our core values. These opinions help more of the type of people we want to attract into our lives be able to find us. When we don’t share our opinions or share our “bumper stickers” people don’t know how to find us. We also may spend a whole lotta time with people who we feel we need to edit ourselves around.
Conversely, by not sharing our uncompromising opinions we are also missing out on having deeper conversations with others, learning from others who have differing opinions from us, and showing up in the world as our truest selves. As a people pleaser, we can fear that we are going to ruffle too many feathers by putting our opinions out there, but the truth is it doesn’t matter what we do, we are going to ruffle someone’s feathers anyway. We might as well do it while we are being ourselves instead of being someone we think they want us to be.
Here are some questions for reflection:
What point of view do I have that I am scared to share? Why?
Why is it o.k. for me to not share my opinion in order to avoid someone else’s possible disagreement with my opinion?
How much time and energy could I save if I were surrounded by people who know my core values and my uncompromising opinions?
How would I feel if I weren’t spending time worrying about what other people were thinking about me?
Consider starting to share your uncompromising opinions with others. If this feels super challenging for you, start small. Share your uncompromising opinion with the checker at the grocery store and build up from there! It gets easier. I promise!
I’m a relationship coach who helps you prioritize yourself without guilt and worry and I have one on one coaching spots available.
What is a life coach?
Somebody who holds a compassionate, safe space for you to share your thoughts and feelings.
Somebody who provides you an extra pair of eyes on your brain, increasing your awareness of your thoughts.
Somebody who teaches you an alternate way of thinking when the ways you have been thinking in the past no longer serve you.
Somebody who believes you can get the outcomes you want in your life and will be your cheerleader every step of the way.
Somebody who challenges you to dream bigger and step into the future version of you.
Somebody who will say things you won’t want to hear but will always say them with love and compassion.
This is an investment in yourself that you deserve.