Do you feel safe and cared for with yourself?
If so, FANTASTIC! CUE THE CONFETTI!!!!! It is worthy of celebrating and acknowledging you are doing a great job. Excellent self-love and self-compassion are a skills that many, many people in this world struggle with. Keep doing what you are doing.
If however your answer to the question was a hard no, not always, or I struggle with this - keep reading.
We all need to know that there is always one person in this world that has our own back and the best and most reliable person for the job is the one we look at in the mirror each morning. Yup - OURSELVES.
When we look outside ourselves to other people to take care of our needs or look to someone else to make us feel a certain way it often leads to bitterness, anger and disappointment. I disagree with the relationship advice that suggests our friends, families and partners are supposed to fulfill our needs. I believe it’s our job to fulfill our own needs first.
Why is this my opinion? Because is allows us to drop our expectations of how the other person is supposed to show up in relationship with us. They get to show up in the relationship as themselves which is a beautiful thing and so do we. When I’m me and they are them it gives us clarity about our connection protentional with each other. Which is what we truly want - to be ourselves in relationship with the ones we love the most.
Creating true connection in relationship with others starts with creating a strong, solid connection with yourself first. Knowing yourself. A strong, loving relationship with YOU. Not in a DESPERADO I don’t need anybody kind of way, but in a way that I’m so solid and connected with me that I can and do create beautiful connections with me and the other people in my life.
It starts by caring for yourself. Honoring your energy needs. Saying no when you hear your body say no. Honoring your commitments to yourself. Recognizing your emotions. Loving yourself. Worrying less. Being your own best friend and releasing relationships if they no longer serve your highest and best self.
If you don’t do all these things yet, know it’s o.k. This is a gentle reminder to pick one thing and start. Start today on the journey of caring for yourself more and creating deeper connection with the person who you look at in the mirror everyday. It’s a journey you will never regret.
Would you like some help learning how to drop your expectations of the people you are in relationship with? Or maybe you need help with creating a stronger relationship with yourself? I have a personal goal to give away 300 hours worth of free coaching this year. In one hour, I can help you learn how to drop your expectations. Click the link on my home page to schedule a 1:1 call with me. I can’t wait to help you get started on your journey.