Are you a Christian woman who
has had an affair?
Are you unsure whether your marriage can be saved or whether it would be better to divorce? I'm Susan Estringel. Infidelity and Relationship Coach, and I'm here to help you assess whether you're in a healthy or unhealthy relationship and guide you in making the best decision about staying or leaving.
I Can Help You With
Ditching Expectations of How Life "Should" Be

Fearing Judgment
From Others
Repetitive Negative Thoughts
Do You Feel Numb?
Do you find yourself constantly worrying about what others think? Are you trying so hard to make everyone happy that you're ending up miserable yourself?
Do you find yourself replaying conversations in your head, analyzing what you said and wishing you had said something different? Do you often feel like the other person in the conversation didn't fully understand you, even though you tried every way you could think of to explain your viewpoint?
Do you struggle to identify your feelings and honestly you feel numb most of the time? Do you find it easier to identify what everyone else is feeling rather than what you are feeling? Is your superpower taking care of what other's need?

Can you relate?
1. Struggle With Making Decisions
Do you often find yourself struggling to make decisions. It's like you can't quite trust your own judgment and end up second-guessing everything. Constantly polling everyone else for their opinion, but get confused when everyone else has a different perspective. At the end of it, you still don't know which one is the "right" one.
2. Struggle to Say No and Set Boundaries
Saying no is hard for a lot of us. We hate the idea of disappointing anyone, so we chose to disappoint ourselves instead. We don't like being seen as selfish or unkind and in the end we overcommit and feeling totally drained
3. You Are a Christian Woman Who Has Had An Affair
It may be incredibly difficult to admit, but you've had an affair. The guilt and shame may be overwhelming, especially when your faith is such a central part of your life. You may be terrified of being judged and struggling to forgive yourself. You are not alone.
How To Work With Me.
Sign Up For a Free Coaching Call
This is a simple conversation on zoom between us. My goal is for us to see if we would be a good fit for each other.
Walk Away With Useful Information
My goal is for you to walk away with useful information, even if we don't end up working together.
Choose a Package
How long we work together is up to you. During our initial call I will make suggestions and offer some areas to work on that I believe will be helpful.
I'm Susan.
I’m not just a life coach, but a yoga teacher and music therapist as well. My focus is on helping you develop the tools and skills needed to navigate emotionally difficult relationships and life situations. Hey, we all have them.
I work with Christian women who are dealing with emotional immaturity, narcissism, and emotional abuse and some of my client's have also had affairs.
My approach is centered around teaching boundary and resilience tools that help enable you to move past the issues holding you back and into a space of self-love and personal growth.
Take the first step towards a better life today by reaching out for a consultation.

Get The Freebie To Change Your Life
Do you feel guilty when you say no? Do you need an easy, doable way to say no without guilt? Download my "how to Say No Without Guilt Guide". It includes an easy three step process to help you say no and create time for YOU in your life. Grab it now.

On The Blog

Infidelity is a painful & complicated topic
There is a significant social stigma associated with being unfaithful, which can make infidelity hard to talk about, but I'm here to provide you a safe non-judgmental space to have those conversations. I understand that:
People have varying definitions of what constitutes infidelity (for example, is emotional cheating considered cheating?) There varying definitions can complicate the conversation.
Our religious beliefs can influence how infidelity is perceived and addressed and how we view what options may be available to us.
We may fear being judged or blamed for our role in the relationship, whether we were the one who was unfaithful or the one who was betrayed.
The dynamics of every relationship are unique, and the reasons for infidelity can vary widely. I can help you assess the situation and decide your next best steps, even when you have no clue where to start.